More applications of a security system

Range extenders expand the boundaries of the protected area and give even more freedom to place security system devices. By connecting all or part of the devices1 to ReX 2, you will ensure the security and automation of a business centre, big estate, warehouse complex, or a large production facility. 5 range extenders can operate within the Ajax system to expand the radio network coverage up to 35 km2 2. Events and alarms are transmitted instantly, and the first photo verification snapshot is delivered to a monitoring station and users in just 10 seconds.


Photo verification

without privacy concerns

Verification of alarms with snapshots

ReX 2 works with MotionCam and MotionCam Outdoor motion detectors. When triggered, they take a series of animated pictures, helping to assess the situation at the facility. This reduces unnecessary patrol dispatches and saves the clients' nerves.

Privacy first

The detector activates its camera when the security system is armed and the motion is detected. Shots are encrypted at every stage of transmission. While stored on the Ajax Cloud server, no pictures are processed or analysed. Visual alarm verifications can only be viewed by users with access rights to the events feed with push notifications enabled and by security company employees by users with access rights to the events feed with push notifications enabled and by security company employees.

Radio communication through steel and concrete

With the OS Malevich 2.13 operating system update, the ReX 2 range extender will connect to the hub not only via radio but also via Ethernet using the wire as the only or additional communication channel. A single Ajax system can cover the facility like an office centre with underground parking, or a sectional metal hangar, or a warehouse complex of several large buildings.Hub 2 can be simultaneously connected to three Internet service providers — via Ethernet cable and 2G, 3G, and LTE 2 cellular networks. The automatic switching between channels takes seconds.

Enhanced security system

ReX 2 works as an extra intelligent control panel: it connects devices into an autonomous group and takes over control at the right time. Thanks to automatic adjustment of signal power and frame synchronization, any number of system devices can be connected to ReX 2 — the reliability of communication will not be affected by this. If, for some reason, radio communication with the hub is interrupted, ReX 2 will continue to operate via Ethernet. If a connection via Ethernet is lost, ReX 2 receives an alarm from a detector and activates a siren to draw attention to the incident and deter the burglar. Enhanced security systemHub 2 can be simultaneously connected to three Internet service providers — via Ethernet cable and 2G, 3G, and LTE 2 cellular networks. The automatic switching between channels takes seconds.